Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Nintendo NX: How Not To Mess It Up

5 things Nintendo should do with their next console... 

First things first: I LOVE Nintendo! My very first games console was my brother's old SNES and ever since then I've owned every Nintendo console to date, right up to the Wii U and New Nintendo 3DS. 

Nintendo get a lot of bother these days from the gaming community and for a while now it's been because of the Wii U. It's actually a great console once you sink your teeth into it, but the lack of third party games and powerful hardware meant more people favoured the Xbox One and PS4.

And whilst I wouldn't say the Wii U was a failure, it wasn't exactly the money making machine or ground breaking console that Nintendo hoped it would be, like the Wii. 

Now Nintendo are looking to the future and have announced they're working on their new console, currently called the "NX." Question is, will it go well? Here are 5 things I personally think Nintendo need to do, or at least think about, for the NX.

Number 1... 
Get away from the "Wii" brand. Ok, yes the Wii was successful and there was a point were EVERYONE I knew had one in their house. It was a great console for families and when you had your mates over, but gaming alone on it was a bit...meh. I mean there was Smash Bros, Zelda, Mario Kart, sure! But it was always better with friends. 

Then the Wii U comes out and half the world thinks it's an additional piece of hardware for the Wii, not a brand new console. Then the negative connotations of the Wii, the ones that arose when the novelty wore off, creep into things. I've no idea what "NX" stands for ("Nintendo X?") but I just hope it doesn't become the "Wii U: Plus" or something similar. We need something completely fresh and new. 

Number 2... 
Drop the gimmicks. Nintendo have always been pioneers in new ways to game and sparking innovation, and that is great! But the motion controls of the Wii were a pain at the best of times. The Wii U Gamepad was a big step up as it could be used as an actual controller, not to mention the Pro Pads. But a fair few people don't like the gimmicky touch screen (I personally think it's great).  

It was revealed the NX is part of Nintendo's new venture with DeNa... a mobile company... Please don't link up with smart phones, please dont link up with smart phones, please dont link up with-

Dropping the gimmicky controls would encourage more third party developers, which brings me onto... 

Number 3...
Don't have LOTS of third party games. Yes you read that right... DON'T. Whilst admittedly more third party games are needed on Nintendo consoles for variety, I don't want to see the latest COD or Battlefield on a Nintendo system. That's not what Nintendo are about. Nintendo consoles and the games on them are about innovation and Nintendo's established image, not 360 no-scope kill streaks. (And being blunt, COD on the Wii was S**T!)

But on the other hand, they do need to get more third party development and not just regurgitate Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong games (although I wouldn't complain). Getting some more third party games will definitely appeal to a wider audience, but the Nintendo originals and exclusives should be their main focus. 

Number 4...  
Just focus on gaming. The biggest thing that bothered me about the Xbox One and PS4 is how much stuff they can do. That might not make a lot of sense, but I don't want a games console that I can watch telly on, whilst checking my emails, whilst Skyping my mates, whilst playing Halo. Believe it or not, I want a games console TO GAME! 

"Oh, but, the Xbox One is a MEDIA CENTRE, it has everything you need in ONE device." Ok fine, but I think this is the last thing Nintendo need to worry about. They should stick to what they do best: games. Satoru Iwata said in the announcement that the NX will be "a dedicated game platform with a brand new concept," so that is looking promising. 

Number 5... 
Don't release it too early. The fact that Nintendo are already talking about a new console less than three years after the Wii U is slightly worrying. I think they shot themselves in the foot with how early the Wii U came out. The reason it "doesn't have any games" was because it hardly had any when it launched, and most of the ones it did have were already out on Xbox 360 and PS3.

Hold your fire Nintendo. Wait until the time is right and make some finished, kick ass, original games for the launch. It's not about who gets their console out first, it's about the quality. Plus waiting will allow longer development times with potentially better hardware to rival the other consoles. 

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